In most non CIS or former Soviet Union countries we not deliver on Sunday, so, if you need Sunday delivery exactly - agree this possibility before delivery, please
Enter ALL important details and notes (delivery time, photo of recipient, vase for bouquet,...), even if you've agreed all by the phone or e-mail with our manager;
All your requirements and wishes to flowers delivery enter absolutely concretely and maximum detailed.
Thank you!!!! Bouquet was amazing! Roses are huge) It looks much bigger in real life, than photo at your site! I'm happy! Will recommend you to friends!
Allan, 02.06.2019 16:55:47
Admin: Thank you for your order Allan! Here are few photos of your bouquet delivere in Gorodok: Red roses looks really good in big bouquet Hope to see you again
Individual order
Click "Order" and describe what do you need: what flowers, gifts, budget and other wishes. We will check and offer variants