Bouquet of red roses and chrysanthemums Brightful Colours
Brightful round bouquet of red roses and white chrysanthemums
from 4240 uah/106$/96€
Bouquet Heart of red roses
Heart of 19, 25 or 35 red roses
from 9360 uah/234$/213€
Bouquet Heart of red roses and Bear
Heart of 19, 25 or 35 red roses and soft toy (bear) of about 25-30 cm height
from 10640 uah/266$/242€
Bouquet of pink roses Holiday Mood
Bouquet of 15, 25 or 35 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 7080 uah/177$/161€
Bouquet of pink roses Rose Surprise
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 25 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 4760 uah/119$/108€
Bouquet of red roses Desired Date
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 21 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 4760 uah/119$/108€
Bouquet Elegant
Vertical bouquet of roses, tulips, hypericum, spray roses and chrysanthemums decorated with greenery
from 5040 uah/126$/115€
Bouquet For Business Women
Elegant business bouquet in a bright yellow-green colors arranged of kraspedia, hypericum, cymbidium orchids, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, greenery
from 5280 uah/132$/120€
Bright bouquet in red colours Interesting
Round bouquet of roses, hypericum, tulips, carnations, greenery
from 5040 uah/126$/115€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Merry Greetings
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 4760 uah/119$/108€
Heart of roses Proposal
Heart-shaped bouquet of 25, 35 or 51 red and white roses 60-70 cm long
from 11160 uah/279$/254€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Colorful Surprise
Bouquet of 11, 13 or 15 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 4760 uah/119$/108€
Bouquet of red roses Strong Beauty
Bouquet of 15, 19 or 25 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 5800 uah/145$/132€
Bouquet of red roses Strong Feelings
Bouquet of 51, 101 or 151 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 15760 uah/394$/358€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Ardent
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 4760 uah/119$/108€
Bouquet of mixed roses Bright Сonfession
Bouquet of 51, 101 or 151 mixed roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 15760 uah/394$/358€
Bouquet of pink roses Gentle gift
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
Dziękuję za perfekcyjnie zrealizowane zamówienie i za bardzo dobry i miły kontakt na Skypie!
Danke sehr für perfekt durchgeführte Bestellung und für einen sehr guten und netten Kontakt mit Ihnen durch Skype!
Thank you for the perfectly completed order and for very good and pleasant contact with you on Skype!
Pawel, 05.12.2018 13:59:51
Admin: Thank you for your comment, Pawel! :) Come back again, it will be pleasant to work with you one more time Here are few photos of roses, we've delivered for you:
Individual order
Click "Order" and describe what do you need: what flowers, gifts, budget and other wishes. We will check and offer variants