Bouquet of red roses and chrysanthemums Brightful Colours
Brightful round bouquet of red roses and white chrysanthemums
from 9920 uah/248$/225€
Bouquet Heart of red roses
Heart of 19, 25 or 35 red roses
from 15000 uah/375$/341€
Bouquet Heart of red roses and Bear
Heart of 19, 25 or 35 red roses and soft toy (bear) of about 25-30 cm height
from 17960 uah/449$/408€
Bouquet of pink roses Holiday Mood
Bouquet of 15, 25 or 35 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 11720 uah/293$/266€
Bouquet of pink roses Rose Surprise
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 25 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Bouquet of red roses Desired Date
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 21 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Bouquet Elegant
Vertical bouquet of roses, tulips, hypericum, spray roses and chrysanthemums decorated with greenery
from 8400 uah/210$/191€
Bouquet For Business Women
Elegant business bouquet in a bright yellow-green colors arranged of kraspedia, hypericum, cymbidium orchids, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, greenery
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Bright bouquet in red colours Interesting
Round bouquet of roses, hypericum, tulips, carnations, greenery
from 12040 uah/301$/274€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Merry Greetings
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Heart of roses Proposal
Heart-shaped bouquet of 25, 35 or 51 red and white roses 60-70 cm long
from 18280 uah/457$/415€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Colorful Surprise
Bouquet of 11, 13 or 15 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Bouquet of red roses Strong Beauty
Bouquet of 15, 19 or 25 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 11720 uah/293$/266€
Bouquet of red roses Strong Feelings
Bouquet of 51, 101 or 151 red roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 33800 uah/845$/768€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Ardent
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 9280 uah/232$/211€
Bouquet of mixed roses Bright Сonfession
Bouquet of 51, 101 or 151 mixed roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 33800 uah/845$/768€
Bouquet of pink roses Gentle gift
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
You guys did a wonderful job. You made my girl and me very happy. The flowers were beautifully arranged and selection you recommended was amazing. I recommend Florist to bring joy to your loved ones.
Stefan Nenkov, 08.03.2019 19:40:55
Admin: Thank you for the order, Stefan! It is pleasant, that you've liked our job and our style :) Here is the photo of delivered bouquet from our florist from Gorodok: Please, come back again :)
Individual order
Click "Order" and describe what do you need: what flowers, gifts, budget and other wishes. We will check and offer variants