Bouquet of red roses and chrysanthemums Brightful Colours
Brightful round bouquet of red roses and white chrysanthemums
from 1920 uah/48$/44€
Bouquet Elegant
Vertical bouquet of roses, tulips, hypericum, spray roses and chrysanthemums decorated with greenery
from 2320 uah/58$/53€
Bouquet For Business Women
Elegant business bouquet in a bright yellow-green colors arranged of kraspedia, hypericum, cymbidium orchids, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, greenery
from 2440 uah/61$/55€
Bright bouquet in red colours Interesting
Round bouquet of roses, hypericum, tulips, carnations, greenery
from 2320 uah/58$/53€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Merry Greetings
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 2200 uah/55$/50€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Colorful Surprise
Bouquet of 11, 13 or 15 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 2200 uah/55$/50€
Bouquet of mixed color roses Ardent
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 mixed color roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 2200 uah/55$/50€
Bouquet of mixed roses Bright Сonfession
Bouquet of 51, 101 or 151 mixed roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 7680 uah/192$/175€
Bouquet of pink roses Gentle gift
Bouquet of 11, 15 or 19 pink roses of 60-70 cm length wrapped
from 2200 uah/55$/50€
Bouquet white chrysanthemums Fairy Glade
Brightful round bouquet of 11, 25 or 51 white spray chrysanthemums
from 2200 uah/55$/50€
Bouquet Bright Event
Not big and bright bouquet of roses and hypericum, includes wrapping
from 1920 uah/48$/44€
Bouquet First Date
Bouquet of roses, gerberas, tanacetum, greenery
from 1800 uah/45$/41€
Bouquet High Day Melody
Bright and beautiful bouquet of red and orrange roses of 7, 11 or 15 roses
from 1920 uah/48$/44€
Bouquet Fresh Coolness
Bouquet of roses, hypericum, decorative cabbage (brassica), decoration, wraping
from 1440 uah/36$/33€
Bouquet Warm mood
Tight bouquet of roses, chrysanthemums, brunia, decorated with greenery
from 1680 uah/42$/38€
Bouquet Evening Promenade
Mixed bouquet in rich colored gamma of roses, carnations, orchids, with decor
from 1680 uah/42$/38€
Bouquet Spring Day
Bouquet of roses, tulips, orchids, chrysanthemums, greenery
from 2320 uah/58$/53€
Bouquet Making Smile
Medium not big round bouquet of roses, freesia, decorated with greenery
Thank you!!!! Bouquet was amazing! Roses are huge) It looks much bigger in real life, than photo at your site! I'm happy! Will recommend you to friends!
Allan, 02.06.2019 16:55:47
Admin: Thank you for your order Allan! Here are few photos of your bouquet delivere in Gorodok: Red roses looks really good in big bouquet Hope to see you again
Individual order
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